Katalog Demos 2024_GB

www.demos‑trade.com 03.129 10 40 70 10 30 30 400 396523 × 397781+397782 × × 397818+397819 397840+397841 450 396524 × 397783+397784 397791+397792 × 397820+397821 397842+397843 500 396525 × 397785+397786 397793+397794 × 397822+397823 397844+397845 550 396526 × 397787+397788 397795+397796 × 397824+397825 397846+397847 10 40 70 10 30 30 270 396634 397769+397770 397775+397776 × 397806+397807 397812+397813 397834+397835 300 396635 397771+397772 397777+397778 × 397808+397809 397814+397815 397836+397837 350 396636 397773+397774 397779+397780 × 397810+397811 397816+397817 397838+397839 400 396637 × 397781+397782 × × 397818+397819 397840+397841 450 396638 × 397783+397784 397791+397792 × 397820+397821 397842+397843 500 396639 × 397785+397786 397793+397794 × 397822+397823 397844+397845 550 396640 × 397787+397788 397795+397796 × 397824+397825 397846+397847 600 396641 × 397789+397790 398924+398925 × 397826+397827 397848+397849 650 396642 × × 397797+397798 × × × 270 397378 397369 397344+397345 300 350 400 450 500 397378 397369 550 600 650 AvanTech YOU – silver, individual components FURNITURE SLIDES 1] the set includes: sides L + R, 2 pcs of cover profile, front holders L + R (assembly for screw fixing) 1] the set includes: sides L + R, 2 pcs of cover profile, L + R front holders, assembly for screw fixing 2] a back made of individual material can be mounted directly into the side with a screw, back holders are not necessary slides by type and load capacity (kg) Actro YOU Silent System¹] Quadro YOU Silent System²] Quadro YOU Push to Open length (mm) sides1] slides by type and load capacity (kg) Actro YOU Silent System¹] Quadro YOU Silent System²] Quadro YOU Push to Open length (mm) sides1] length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile back holders2] length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile Side height 77 mm Side height 101 mm