Katalog Demos 2024_GB_links

www.demos‑trade.com 03.97 BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON 350 40 498954 498968 498955 498969 400 498956 498970 498957 498971 450 40 499257 499265 499258 499266 70 499259 499267 499260 499268 500 40 499261 499269 499262 499270 70 499263 499271 499264 499272 550 40 498958 498972 498959 498973 70 498960 498974 498961 498975 600 40 498964 498978 498965 498979 70 498966 498980 498967 498981 650 70 498962 498976 498963 498977 C FREE BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON 350 40 499020 499018 499021 499019 400 499024 499022 499025 499023 450 40 499277 499273 499278 499274 70 499279 499275 499280 499276 500 40 499285 499281 499286 499282 70 499287 499283 499288 499284 550 40 499042 499038 499043 499039 70 499044 499040 499045 499041 600 40 499034 499030 499035 499031 70 499036 499032 499037 499033 650 70 499028 499026 499029 499027 C FREE LEGRABOX – carbon black (CS-M) FURNITURE SLIDES screw EXPANDO depth mm (NL) load capacity (kg) type of slide inner, railing inner, glass depth mm (NL) load capacity (kg) type of slide • side height 177 mm • minimum height in the cabinet body 193 mm (for inner drawer 191 mm) Complete set of fittings for drawer