Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 03.96 03 BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON 270 40 499145 499141 499146 499142 300 499153 499149 499154 499150 350 499161 499157 499162 499158 400 499169 499165 499170 499166 450 40 499063 499061 499067 499065 70 499064 499062 499068 499066 500 40 499071 499069 499075 499073 70 499072 499070 499076 499074 550 40 499197 499189 499198 499190 70 499201 499193 499202 499194 600 40 499213 499205 499214 499206 70 499217 499209 499218 499210 650 70 499293 499289 499294 499290 C PURE BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON BLUMOTION, TOB TIP-ON 270 40 499147 499143 499148 499144 300 499155 499151 499156 499152 350 499163 499159 499164 499160 400 499171 499167 499172 499168 450 40 499177 499173 499178 499174 70 499179 499175 499180 499176 500 40 499185 499181 499186 499182 70 499187 499183 499188 499184 550 40 499199 499191 499200 499192 70 499203 499195 499204 499196 600 40 499215 499207 499216 499208 70 499219 499211 499220 499212 650 70 499295 499291 499296 499292 C PURE FURNITURE SLIDES LEGRABOX – carbon black (CS-M) Item in stock Item on demand screw EXPANDO depth mm (NL) load capacity (kg) type of slide inner, railing inner, glass depth mm (NL) load capacity (kg) type of slide • side height 177 mm • minimum height in the cabinet body 193 mm (191 mm for inner drawer) • the complete set includes everything for drawer assembly • complete the TIP-ON version with synchronisation • complete the TOB version with module and synchronisation • select the TOB module according to the depth and weight of the whole drawer • complete the inner drawer of height M with front sheet metal • complete the inner drawer of height C with front sheet metal and railing or a front glass Ĺ for base and back cuttings, see p. 03.86 Complete set of fittings for drawer 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13