Katalog Demos 2024_GB_links

www.demos‑trade.com 03.37 300 20 238 × × × × 156 119 × × × 350 25 305 × × × × 200 128 × × × 400 30 378 96 × × × 256 128 208 × × 450 35 430 128 × × × 294 128 256 × × 500 40 482 96 64 × × 344 128 304 × × 550 45 533 96 64 192 × 394 128 224 352 × 600 35 584 128 96 192 × 444 128 224 352 × 700 35 685 128 96 192 64 544 128 224 352 496 K J I H 36 9 9 9 34,3 12,6 12,6 L F G B E D C 35 4,4 x 6,1 ø 4,4 ø 4,6 ø 6,4 ø 5 12,5 24 4,6 x 9,5 12,7 12,7 1,4 1,2 45,7 92001T 300 92002T 350 92003T 400 92004T 450 92005T 500 92006T 550 92007T 600 92008T 700 StrongBall S5 ball bearing 45 kg with soft closing FURNITURE SLIDES • quiet and smooth running • load capacity up to 45 kg according to the slide length and drawer width • in dimensions of up to 400 mm partial loss of sliding • service life of more than 50,000 cycles • the maximum recommended width of the drawer is 1.6 times the length of the slide • the producer allows the possibility of flat assembly (the load capacity is then reduced to 25% of the original value) L (mm) load capacity (kg) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) I (mm) J (mm) K (mm) Full extension slides with side assembly code length (mm)