Katalog Demos 2024_GB

Dear customers, although we always strive to improve the quality of our services, there are exceptions when you need to reject the goods (due to quality, type, or quantity of delivered product). In such case, please proceed as follows: Provide the following details with the warranty claim: – invoice No. – product code and description – claimed quantity – reason for rejection – requirement for remedy (replacement, credit note) Report the warranty claim no later than three business days after product receipt. Warranty claims after three days will be disregarded. Warranty Claim department for mail-order: tel.: (+420) 596 223 470 fax: (+420) 596 223 471 e-mail: reklamace@demos-trade.com A full text of the electronic form of the Warranty Claim Procedure can be found at www.demostrade.com, Download tab. To lodge a warranty claim in the case of a sale in a store, please contact the respective store. Contact details are provided at the back of the catalogue. Furniture fittings catalogue published by Démos trade, a. s. © 2024. Illustrative pictures and photos. Publisher reserves the right to press and typographical errors and technical changes. Pre-pres www.adverti.cz Warranty Claim Procedure Démos trade, a.s., Škrobálkova 630/13, 718 00 Ostrava-Kunčičky, Česká republika Zákaznické centrum (příjem objednávek nábytkového kování): tel.: +420 596 223 470 objednavky@demos-trade.com Demos trade, Sp. z o.o., ul. Ks. mjr. Karola Woźniaka 5, 40-389 Katowice, Polska Biuro Obsługi Klienta: tel.: +48 32 790 85 82 zamowienia@demos-trade.com Démos trade, s.r.o., Pri Rajčianke 8913/25, 01001 Žilina, Slovensko Zákaznícke centrum (príjem objednávok nábytkového kovania): tel.: 0800 004 206 objednavky@demos-trade.com Démos trade Kft, Baross u. 165/2, 2040 Budaörs, Magyarország A megrendelések központi felvétele: tel.: 06 800 18 726 megrendelesek@demos-trade.com 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13