Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12.29 www.demos‑trade.com 497741 2.608.900.544 T308BF 5 161061 2.608.630.030 T101B 5 118412 2.608.634.234 T101BF 5 161077 2.608.636.431 T101BIF 5 118266 2.608.633.779 T101BR 5 161062 2.608.634.235 T101BRF 5 161065 2.608.636.432 T101AOF 3 505319 2.608.900.548 T308BFP 5 jigsaw blades POWER TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT • for hardwood and abrasive wooden materials • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • softwood, particle boards, lath, fibreboard (3–30 mm), plastic/epoxy (Ø < 30 mm) • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • hardwood, laminates, laminated particle boards (3–30 mm), plastic/epoxy (Ø <30 mm) • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • laminate and laminated boards • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • softwood, particle boards, lath, fibreboard (3–30 mm), laminated boards, clean surfaces • reversed tooth design cuts without burrs on the top surface • laminates, laminated boards (3–30 mm), kitchen worktops (3–45 mm), clean surfaces • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • reversed tooth design cuts without burrs on the top surface • laminate and laminated boards • allows clean curved cuts For hardwood For softwood For hardwood and LDF boards For laminated boards, straight cut For hardwood For softwood For hardwood and LDF (laminated) boards For laminated boards code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package code Bosch code description pcs in package • softwood, boards (5–50 mm), plywood (5–50 mm), kitchen worktops <50 mm, hardwood, boards (5–50 mm), coated boards (5–50 mm), multiplex boards (5–50 mm) • allows for cutting into the surface (hole for kitchen sink, e.g.) • allows clean curved cuts code Bosch code description pcs in package