Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12.26 12345 12345 12 393755 2.608.644.095 165 × 20 × 2,6 mm, 52T 480904 2.608.644.549 165 × 20 × 1,8 mm, 48T 118204 2.608.640.616 190 × 2,6 × 30 mm, 36T HLTCG ATB ATB 118206 2.608.640.509 190 × 30 × 2,4 mm, 54T HLTCG blades for plunge-cut and circular saws Item in stock Item on demand POWER TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Expert for Aluminium, 165 mm Expert for Laminated Panel, 165 mm code supplier code description code supplier code description • for aluminium, aluminium profiles and materials • for board materials (single or double surface layer), abrasive boards, and weakly laminated or veneered boards • suitable for cordless saws Optiline Wood, 190 mm code supplier code description • for all types of wood and wood materials Multi Material, 190 code supplier code description • for cutting into various materials 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13